If you have readers in your life, here's a few suggestions of awesome books, I read (mostly this year, but I did throw in a few favorites) that they might like. Please take a close look at the books as the ages go for all ages. I've read and enjoyed all of these books! Check out the 2011 year's edition and the 2012 edition and the 2013 edition and the 2014 edition and the 2015 edition for six times the amount of books!
For the Political Fan:
For the Picture Book Fan:
For Nonfiction for Younger Readers Fan:
For the Animal Lover:
For the Easy Chapter Book Fan:
For the Children's Book Fan:
For the Fairy Tale Fan:
For the Sports Fan:
For the Superhero Fan:
For the Graphic Novels Fan:
For the New Adult Fan:
For the MG Fantasy Fan:
For the YA Fantasy Fan:
For the Adult Fantasy Fan:
For the Cozy Fan Starting a new series:
For the Cozy Series Fan:
For Middle Grade Thrillers:
For YA Thrillers:
For Adult Thrillers:
For the Paranormal Fan:
For the Royal Fan:
For the Middle Grade Contemporary Fan:
For the YA Contemporary Fan:
For the YA Contemporary Romance Fan:
For Adult Contemporary Romance Fan
For the YA Historical Fan:
For Adult Historical Romance Fan
For the Christmas Picture Book Fan:
For the Christmas Book Fan
There are so many good gift ideas in your post! :)