
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Graphic Novel Review: Orange vol 2

Read my Review of the first collection
When Naho begins 11th grade, she receives a letter from her future self about a new boy in school. She's convinced of the truth of the letter from the predictions from earlier that morning. But she's still unsure why she needs to be concerned.

The new boy, Kakeru, will change her life. But unless she watches over him, he will have a terrible future. Naho needs to change the present in order to change the future.

But can she do it?
My Thoughts: I really liked the ending to this book - but I do wish there was an epilogue because I wanted just a little more knowledge at the end. I really liked the concept of this book and the friendships that shone through. I liked the little bit of romance. And the excerpts from the future. A fun read!

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: my Library
Library Recommendation: Great for YA manga collections!

1 comment:

  1. I need to try this Manga, I keep hearing a lot of good things about it! :)
