A new blog idea inspired by Andi @ http://andiabcs.com/2014/08/01/pub-date-1/ with the Pub Date where a few bloggers share book and beer pair ups. Andi states that the idea is the brain child of Brittany at The Book Addict’s Guide.
I adored Two Summers (check out my review). In Summer's vacation to France, she would walk to the bakery every morning for a bite. I adore chocolate croissants. As I was reading this book, I longed to go to the bakery and grab one too. And then walk through a charming country side.
Does a book ever make you crave food?
Yes! Pain au Chocolat! I read the Rivals of Versailles by Sally Christie recently, and it prompted me try to make these chocolaty, buttery, flaky goodies. They're surprisingly simple if you just buy the puff pastry from the freezer section of the grocery store ;)