
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Top Ten Tuesdays

September 11:  Top Ten Books That Make You Think (About The World, People, Life, etc.) from Broke and Bookish

There are tons of books that make me think, but the ones that stick with me are ones I recommend to people. The following books deal really well with hard topics. Most of them are sad, heartbreaking books but they also have a glimmer of hope.

13 Reasons Why: Could someone have helped her?
Wintergirls: So haunting 
Purge: Realistic yet humorous 
Life After - Heartbreaking, but eye opening too
Speak - I love how she found her courage
Life as We Knew It - makes me want to stock up on canned goods whenever I hear about a potential natural disaster. 
Keep Holding On: Heartbreaking, but hopeful
Sold: Powerful
Can't Get There from Here - I liked the librarian in this one
Fat Cat: I loved the blend of science with food


  1. Wintergirls is on my list as well. It's just one of the type of books that sticks with you.

  2. WINTERGIRLS didn't make me think as much as it made me cry -- it saved my best friend's life. <3

  3. Great list! Mine is at YA Yeah Yeah if you'd like to take a look. I had 13 Reasons Why as well, and Wintergirls wasn't on my list but nearly made it.

  4. SPEAK! Such an important book. <3

    ~Allison @ Good Books and Good Wine

  5. I absolutely love Speak. I just read this recently, and it blew me away. I knew it would be good, because I had heard so many amazing things about it. It made my list as well. I need to read more by Laurie Halse Anderson.
