
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BBAW: What Book Blogging Means to Me

I first started blogging on Myspace. Remember when that was cool? I wanted to showcase books we had coming into the library and I also wanted to be able to keep track of the books I read. My early reviews weren't really reviews - but I was highlighting the books I read and sharing them with my followers.

On Friday October 3rd 2008 I made the change to Blogger and I've been here every since. I've updated my background - learned a little bit about HTML. This past summer, I had it custom designed by a fellow book blogger ICEY BOOKS.

*Blogging means that I know about books months ahead of time, which is perfect for my job.
*Blogging means that I can say to a patron, I haven't read that book, but I've heard good things about it - which is awesome because I'll never be able to read all the books I want to read. Yet, I can read and share what others think.
*Blogging means that I have an outlet to talk about books and to share my thoughts about books. I may not have the most followers or the most comments, but I blog for me.
*Blogging means gushing over the books that I love. I don't usually post about books I don't finish or books that I did finish but were mediocre. Thus, I my review tend to have the word love in them.
*Blogging means a community of people who understand teen literature and/or teen librarianship and I can go to those communities if I have a question (or ten)

I love the community of book bloggers - how they share their knowledge and information. I'm happy to be apart of it!


  1. What you said about being able to offer recommendations based on other trusted bloggers opinions even though you haven't read a book is so true! I do that all the time, particularly when it comes to genres or book types I'm not well versed in.

  2. Book blogging is terrific. I too love getting advance copies of great new books. And of course, book people are just so much more interesting than regular people. So there are lots of good blogs to follow.

  3. LOVE your blog...and you fit the category that I talk about in my post....CREATIVE.

    Love how your blog is set up and how you did your post.


    To me blogging is all about the wonderful bloggers who make it happen.

    Stop by to see my post if you like.

    Have a fun day.

    Silver's Reviews
