
Friday, March 2, 2012

Wrap up of Romance Month

Back in the beginning to February, I vowed to read only romance books during the month.

And I did it. I have a hard time limiting my reading habits.

I confess it wasn't as easy as I thought. I had a few books from the library that I really wanted to read that had no romance in it. This book in particular:

Then there was this book that I read.

I was surprised by the romance angle in it.

Then I read Angie Frazier's blog - On Writing Romance - and loved it. It was exactly was I thinking.

I think Romance books surprise many people and that everyone seems to have a little bit of a different take on romance books.

Then I got hooked on Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series, except that my library didn't have them. I devoured these books (still waiting on book 7 to come in, but luckily I have book 8). I should have ordered them all at once, but I waited until I was almost done with the book to order the next two. Waiting for these books made me cranky and it was hard to read other books because they were NOT about the Bridgerton family (I long to belong a member of that family).

Also two books I was dying to read just came out at the end of the month:

I have them both now, so I'm off to read.

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