
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Picture Book Wednesday: More Nature Books

Last week, I shared some nature picture books and board books. This week, I have some more to share.

Somehow, I missed this book when it first came out. But trust me, if you haven't read it, go back and do so.

A young girl and her grandmother create a garden with help from nature.

This is a cool idea as lots happens beneath the surface of a garden. I loved learning about all the animals and insects. Pus the illustrations are great.

There are a lot of important trees in this country. I liked how this book combines poetry with trees and history. 

Many of these trees, I didn't know about. Now I have a few new places on my bucket list. 

This book is great for many reasons:
1. The illustrations
2. The Alphabet includes lots of hiking information and safety tips
3. The Alphabet Trails are fascinating to learn about (I've hiked several of these trails and more on are on list.)
4. It's fun for younger kids and older kids.

This nonfiction book also has a lot of information - but in small groups of text interspersed with pictures. The pictures are amazing. There's lot of pour over and share here. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Day


 * Book 10 in the Mindy Kim series * 
Mindy's grandfather dies; she and her family are heading to Korea. They will be there for the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's a tradition that honors family and ancestors. Of course, she's sad about the death of her grandfather. But, since it's her first official festival in Korea and she's determined to make it the best it can be. 
My Thoughts: I love this series. I love how Mindy discovers more about Korea - the food and the culture. She has all the feels - sadness about her grandfather, happiness to see her family, and excitement over her first festival. I wish there were more traditions about family here. Mindy Kim is such a sweet girl with a big heart who enjoys learning and her family. I can't wait for more books about her. 

Cover Thoughts: Charming and makes me hungry
Source: Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have series for your school or public library. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Middle Grade Review: The Loss of the Burying Ground


n this twisting, page-turning read, shipwrecked teen girls from opposing sides of a long war must find common ground in order to survive.

When the Burying Ground goes down in neutral waters, it sends the delegations from two warring nations—and the peace treaty they were about to sign—to the bottom of the ocean. The only survivors are a pair of teen girls: Cora, daughter of a Duran newspaper man, and Vivienne, lady’s maid to an Ariminthian princess. Neither has known a time when war between their two countries did not rage, but now they must learn to trust each other if they are to find sustenance, avoid dangerous pirates, and have any hope of rescue from the remote island they washed up on. However, in the midst of a conflict steeped in fierce national identity, propaganda, disinformation, and radicalization, finding a common path forward seems nearly impossible, for both Cora and Vivienne and their respective countries. But when the teens’ politically charged rescue seems likely to extend the war, Cora and Vivienne realize they do have a shared purpose: peace. If only it isn’t too late. - summary from the publisher 

My Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book. I like how the girls hated each other at first but then realized they had similar goals. I liked the way they started to work together even though they didn't trust each other. There were lots of twists and turns in this book. The ending sets it up for a sequel; I'm looking forward to reading more about these two girls.

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: ARC sent for review
Library Recommendation: A great book for your school and public library's collection.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Board Books

Just a few new to me board books

This is a sweet story about all the things to do at the like. I love the illustrations. A perfect book to share.

* book sent for review

This is a book with lots of questions - making it a book to pour over. Lots of vocabulary and colors.

This book of opposites is cute and a great learning tool. 

A fun book with slides and tabs to move pictures. This series is always fun. A great introduction to the middle ages. 

If you're into space, this board book is not to be missed. I loved the blast off slide. Another fun book in this series. 

An alphabet food that will make you hungry - and even I learned a few new foods.

Lots of fantastic pictures in this book - perfect for babies. Each picture has is from a different country - which is identified on the page. There's so much love in this book. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Favorite Line: The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year

I read this book:

It's amazing. I'm reviewing it for Fresh Fiction.
But here's my favorite line from the book:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Review: Stay Dead


Milan's father died in a car accident. Milan believes that it's her fault. Her mother took over her father's Senate seat. Milan was shipped off to boarding school. She was kicked out of that boarding school and currently she's being kicked out of yet another boarding school.  

Her mother's jet is stopping to pick her up on the way to an event near their hometown. But a bomb causes the jet's wing to break away from the plane. The pilot attempts to land the plane, but it crashes on the side of a mountain. Fire ripped through the plane. But just before, Milan escapes with her mother.

Her mother has internal injuries. She uses all her energy to tell Milan the truth about the past. Her father didn't die in an accident. The plane crash wasn't an accident. Her mom gives Milan instructions on what to do next. 

For Milan, it means getting off the mountain in the middle of winter and making the trek home. But she can't trust anyone. 
My Thoughts: Ever since learning about this book, I've wanted to read it. And it did not disappoint. Someone said you needed to clear your afternoon to read this because you were not going to put it down. They were right. I didn't want this book to end. Lots of action and danger here. It's one-half mystery and one-half survival story. If this isn't in your TBR pile, add it immediately.

Cover Thoughts: Great
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have thriller for your YA section in school and public libraries. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Picture Book Wednesday: Nature Books

We have several new books about nature:

This is a nonfiction picture book - all about Octopi. 

The pictures are amazing, and you learn so much with this book.

This book shares tidbits about nature but also reminds readers to go slow, be present, learn from their surrounds, and be at peace. 

I love the messages in this book and the questions each spread asks. Because being in nature does fill me with wonder and awe. There's also an author's note that reinforces the messages from the book. 

This is a gardening book - all about what the seeds need to grow. 

This story builds upon itself. I love how each problem is solved by nature. The author also includes answers to how a garden grows - including each answer mentioned in the story. 

Lola is meeting the bees - and she's so excited.

Lola is braver than I am. I love how she takes what she learns and applies it to her life. Another great book in this charming series.

Leo and his Dad go on a hike in this cute board book.

They have so much fun exploring nature - it makes me want to go on my own nature walk. 

This board book is an animal guessing game.

 This is a fun book for kids and adults alike. There are six animals to guess from up-close illustrations of the animal's eye. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Escape Books

 This week's topic is books that gave you a much-needed escape. I'm sharing the books that I've read so far this year that have given me a book hangover.

Have you read any of these?

Monday, September 9, 2024

Middle Grade Review: Cupcake Diaries

I haven't read the book series, but these graphic novel adaptations are delightful. Of course, they make me want to bake cupcakes. This would be a club I want to join. But these books also have a serious side dealing with: friendship drama, blended families, navigating divorce, moving to a new place, money issues, and learning how to bake. Through it all, the girls can count on each other. I'm looking forward to reading more of these. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Picture Book Review: Penelope Rex and the Problem with Pets


Penelope Rex's parents get her a pet - but Mittens is a handful. Is Penelope Rex ready to be responsible for Mittens?

Penelope Rex is excited about her pet - but Mittens is a lot of work. Mittens hogs the bed. Mitten eats everything (except his supper).  I really loved this one because I too have a goofy handful of a dog. He also hogs the bed. And of course, I adore him too.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Graphic Novel Review: Claudia and the Bad Joke

Practical jokes start sweeping through Stoneybrook and the baby-sitters are NOT amused. Especially after Claudia falls off a swing and breaks her leg. She can't help wondering what would have happened if she had broken her arm instead. Could this accident change her mind about being in the club?
My Thoughts: I've never been a fan of practical jokes - I would not have been as patient as these baby-sitters. I don't blame Claudia for second-guessing her choice, but obviously the club would not be the same without her. I love reading these stories again. I'm so happy they've caught the attention of another generation of readers.

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have series for your school and public libraries. 


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Creepy Read: Trapped in the Horror Dome

Students win a trip of a lifetime to Earth Two, a research facility after winning the state science fair. Three students from one school join other students. Rowan and Tinker are friends. They are not friend with the third student - Amari. Because they three of them are from the same school, they are paired together for their volunteer work. 

In the swamp zone, they spy a small creature that's unlike anything they've ever seen before. The scientists don't believe the students saw anything out of the ordinary. Rowan and Tinker decide to uncover the truth...but they'll need Amari's help. Can the three uncover the truth about the creature?
My Thoughts: This book is part of the Monsterious series, which are stand-alone books about monsters and creatures. I really loved this one. I loved the idea of being in a research facility - that's really neat. I loved how it had different habitats. I wouldn't mind visiting a place like this - minus the monster of course. There was lots of action and danger in this book. I love how the three students became friends and understood each other better. Another great book from Matt McMann.

Cover Thoughts: Creepy!
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have series for your school and public library collections