A few years ago, I learned about Din-vember where libraries (and other organizations) celebrate dinosaurs the entire month of November.
My co-worker and I decided to start last year.
This is our second year and we thought it would be fun to host a dino-tea storytime.
Here was the invitation:
It happened on Saturday.
And it went well. It was not what I had envisioned. But that was my fault. I wanted to decorate the room with all the things dinosaur - sort of like a birthday party. And I ran out of time for it.
Instead of having everyone at tables and weaving through them as I read stories, it was like a regular storytime. We sat on the floor and read stories, danced, and did a flannel. Afterwards instead of a craft, we had lemonade and black and whites. We gave them a take home craft of a mixed media dinosaur.
And it went great!
No one else was unhappy. I just wish I could have pulled something bigger and more special together. However, we are planning to make this an annual event, so fingers crossed for a bigger event next year!
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