
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Gushing about Books

This week's topic is gushing about books - reviews for books so good, you can't quite but your feelings into words. Most of the time I'm talking about books I loved or really enjoyed. Sometimes when I'm making book lists, I look on the blog for a review and realize I didn't write one. And it surprises me. This blog has changed over the course the 12 years I've been writing it.

It used to be only YA books. Then I added reviews of cozies. Then I added romance books. Finally, I added Children's Books. I read too many books a year to talk about them all.

So here are a few that I loved and never reviewed. 

Have you read these too?


  1. I’ve heard good things about The Downstairs Girl!

    My post:

  2. I've read The Downstairs Girl and They Called Us Enemy, both excellent books.

  3. I haven't read any of these yet, but several are on my tbr, including The Bromance Book Club, which has been waiting on my shelf for too long. Hopefully I can get to it soon! Great choices!
