
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Board Books (3)

We just bought a bunch of new board books for our library.

I'll be talking about a few favorites over the next couple weeks/months

This post is all about concept books

When Baby has feelings, Baby has favorite items. The reader is asked to pick out the favorite item. This book is half feelings and half find the object. The photographs are cute and the babies are diverse.

The same babies from the book above are photographed in this book - all about opposites. A fun way to introduce opposites (Messy/Clean) to a baby. 

This Black girl is going to the market with her basket and wonders what will fit just right. Some fruits and vegetables don't fit or are too small. A fun concept book for not just fruits and vegetables but math too.

This counting book counts in both English and Mandarin - put it showcases different items you'll find at a Chinese restaurant. Caution - this charming book might make you hungry!

Learn the colors of the rainbow with this delicious looking board book that might make you crave sugar cookies. 

An alphabet of fruits - there's a little tidbit on each fruit showcased. And I learned things from reading this one. This is a whole series (Trees, Bugs, Flowers, Birds, Vegetables, and Hiking is coming soon). 

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