
Monday, June 15, 2020

Review: Boyfriend Project

The Boyfriend Project
Samiah never imagined that the man she's dating would be a cheater, nor would she be in a video that goes viral when she discovers his deception. However, she does become friends with the two other women in his life. Together they make a pact to work on themselves and their goals before finding another man to date.

For Samiah, that means finally working on the app she's been thinking about for years. With some free time, she just might be able to develop the proto-type.

That is if she can keep her mind off her new sexy co-worker.
My Thoughts: I loved this book. I didn't want to put it down and was almost late for work because I had to finish it. I loved the blossoming friendship between these women. I loved that Samiah was working towards her dream. I loved her work ethic, her determination, and her giving back mentality. I felt terrible for her as she described the pressure to be better because of both her race and her gender. I did enjoy the work place moments; the company she works for seems great. I loved her flirty moments in the office with Daniel. And there are two more books coming! I can't wait to read them!!

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: ARC sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have for your public library's romance collection.

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