
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Review: Would Like to Meet

Would Like to Meet
Evie's spent the last seven years working as an assistant. But she's been ready for more. Her boss tasks her with getting their only superstar client to write the pages of his contract. Up until now, he hasn't been writing anything.

He seems to be uninspired by the rom-com genre. Ezra doesn't believe rom-coms could happen in real life. When Evie's boss tells her she will be fired if those pages do not get written and delivered, she makes a deal with the devil.

Evie will spend the next two months creating meet-cutes in order to meet someone whom she could potentially love. And Ezra will write the pages. Evie delivers her side of the bargain, mostly through terrible disastrous stories that sometimes compromise her friendships and her job. But it will be worth in the end, right?

My Thoughts: I really really enjoyed this novel. I loved the rom-com mentions. I loved how Evie acted so many of them out. They added so much humor to the story. I love how in doing so, she began to find her confidence. I enjoyed her meetings with Ben and Anette - they made me smile. I loved that in writing up her "Dates", Evie found her writing voice again. I didn't want this book to end, it was just the book I needed. An impressive debut, can't wait to see what comes next from this author.

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A really fun read for your romance collection - particularly your new adult romance collection.

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