
Saturday, May 2, 2020

In My Shop: Items for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is fast approaching.

Of course it looks different for us all this year. But you can still send your mother or mother figure a gift.

Etsy is a great place for gifts.

Here are a few that I have you might like:

Spa Items: Perfect for relaxing (and we all need a little of that right now)

I have six different items where you can choose the scent. 

I used these exfoliating scrubs daily:

New Jewelry: Even though we're not going out into the world, maybe your mom needs something fun to show off in the Zoom meetings.

Here's one of my favorites, it reminds me of summer!

Or I have a few fun jewelry boxes.

And don't forget your card, I have some fun ones for mothers and mother figures

I'm partial to this one, because I'd love to be drinking margaritas with my mom right now...

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