
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors

This week's topic is all about social media and authors I enjoy following. To be honest, I follow a lot of authors. So it might be hard for me to narrow down, but I'm going to try.

Sarah MacLean - talks a lot about romance books.

Meg Cabot - talks about books and royalty and cats

Kristan Higgins - talks about romance books and life. She often makes me laugh.

Maureen Johnson - for bookish news, dog pictures, and funny moments about life

Rick Riordan for funny tweets and news about his publishing imprint

Carrie Jones for her animals' daily words of wisdom

Shana Galen (Facebook) for her historical clothing pictures

Tessa Dare for her chats about romance books and tweets about life.

Maya Rodale for her posts about awesome women from history and her romance book inspirations and about romance books in general.

Vashti Harrison for her art work and sharing of book news


  1. I'm checking out Vashti's art now! How neat.

    My TTT .

  2. I've seen Rick Riordan on a few lists today and I never thought to follow him, not sure why! I'm definitely going to check him out now. Thanks!

    My TTT:

  3. I see Tessa Dare everywhere. I really need to read one of her books...and then follow her!

  4. I'm going to follow these authors. Thank you.

  5. Rick Riordan sounds interesting.

  6. I've seen Maureen Johnson on a lot of lists today. I love her books, but I don't follow her (or many authors, really) on social media. She must be super fun if so many people are fans of her social media posts.

    Happy TTT!

