
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Picture Book Review: Parker Looks Up

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Parker, her sister, and her best friend are visiting the National Portrait Gallery. Together they respond to the paintings and how they make them feel. At the end of the day, Parker looks up and spies the portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama. And she's stunned!

I loved this picture book and the true story behind it. I loved the wonder of the girls looking at the paintings - especially the moment in the front of the ballerinas. I love that Parker saw Michelle Obama as a Queen and that she saw all the possibilities for herself in that moment. I love the hopes and dreams this painting inspires. A fantastic children's picture book with great art and a great message.

Source: Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have book for school and public libraries

* this book is great to showcase during Black History Month, but it's also an amazing story to share throughout the year.

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