
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Life

This week's topic is all about changes in your reading lives.

This blog has been around for 11 years and in that time, I've gone through some different reading habits.

I guess the biggest one is that I read more adult books now. 

When I first started this blog, it was probably 75/25. It's now closer to 50/50.

The majority of my reading used to be teen books and while I still reading them, I also reading adult books.

For the adult books, I mostly read romance novels with some women's fiction thrown in from some favorite authors. I read romances before bed because the world is on fire and reading romance soothes me. Not to mentioned they're just good books.

Occasionally there are some cozies and some fantasy books.

I also read more picture books now - partly because they're fun reads and partly for my job.

How has your reading life changed over the years?


  1. A lot of people have mentioned reading more adult books and fewer YA books this week.

    My TTT.

  2. I love how many of us this week have gradually shifted from YA to adult (without letting the former go entirely). I like romance and women's fiction too. I think it's because they basically reflect the kind of YA I was reading anyway, but now they encompass a wider range of life situations.

  3. I'm finding myself reading more adult as well. And yes, I prefer romance or something light when the world around me is chaotic. It's getting harder for me to pick up the memoirs and non-fiction that deal with issues in the real world. But then I also feel such a responsibility to stay informed. It's hard to balance it. :) Great post!

    Here's my TTT this week!

  4. One of my goals for 2020 is to read a bit more in terms of adult literature again. I feel like this year I kind of slipped? It's always been pretty split down evenly for me, but this year I think I've read more YA than anything. Which obviously isn't bad! But, still, something I want to work on. Very interested in the changes everyone's gone through! It's fun seeing the paths we take re: literature.
