
Monday, June 17, 2019

2019 Books: A look back

In the beginning of the year, I created a list of books I wanted to read desperately that came out in the first six months of this year.  I limited myself to 10. They were YA books. And none were of ARCs that I had received.

And I've only read 2 so far:
Night MusicHer Royal Highness (Royals, #2)
Both were actually for review for Fresh Fiction.

I have 3 currently out from the library and will be reading soon(ish)
2 came in from a publisher
And the rest I purchased at for my library.

I'm still excited to read them. But clearly I'm bad at makings lists and reading them. 
Nevertheless, stay tuned to tomorrow where I'm making my list for the rest of the year.

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