
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Graphic Novel Review: Crush

Crush (Awkward, #3)

* Book 3 in the Awkward series *

Jorge uses his size to make sure people feel comfortable - and not bullied. He has a great group of friends. But he doesn't like everyone - especially the jocks. Jorge knows enough about this mind not to want a relationship with them - even though they're interested in hanging out with him. He knows they aren't the nicest guys on the planet.

When he's around Jazmine, He's tongue-tied. He can't seem to talk with her, even though he wants to. Could this be a crush?

My Thoughts: I really like this series. I love how it centers around the nerdy kids and not the jocks (who are a bunch of jerks). I felt terrible for Jorge for what he went through. I love that through the whole ordeal, Jorge holds on to his ideals. A great book for middle school students!

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have for school and public libraries

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