
Monday, February 25, 2019

Universe of Stories: Teen Summer Reading Program (4)

The past couple weeks I've talked about programming ideas.
You can find them here.

I've decided to do something a little different this year for my teen summer reading program.
Mary and I are going to do food programs once a week - it's going to be The Summer of Oreos. It was partly inspired by the marbled Oreos and an Oreo cookbook. We will also be doing a craft program every Friday with Galaxy Soap, Alien/Space perler beads, All things Marvel, All things Star Wars, and making Lava Lamps.

But this week, I'm going to talk about some space books. This is by no means a compilation of books, just a jumping off point if you're looking for some new items to add to your collection. 


 What other books would you add to this list?

1 comment:

  1. I'd add the Star Wars YA books to this list. There have been six by my count. Two of authors included here have written books set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.
