
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Winter Books

This week's topic is winter books. I'm going to share some of my favorite older YA winter romances. I adore a good winter romance. I hope you do too.

The Twelve Dates of Christmas (Simon Romantic Comedies)Icing on the LakeBalancing Acts: Chalet GirlsLove on the LiftsSnow in Love
The Best GirlSuite DreamsEx-masSnowed InMistletoe: 4 Holiday Stories: Working in a Winter Wonderland / Have Yourself a Merry Little Breakup / Scenes from a Cinematic New Year's / The Christmas Choos
Snow QueenLet It Snow: Three Holiday RomancesKissing Snowflakes

And one I want to read:
Snow in Love


  1. I've only even heard of one of these. Yikes! I guess YA romance isn't really my thing ... I'm glad you enjoy it, though, and that you've found some good ones.

    Happy TTT!

  2. Oh my Gosh, Ex-Mas and Mistletoe? I used to love those two. This is giving me such nostalgia. I wish I still had a copy of Ex-Mas, but thankfully I have Mistletoe even now. I'm really excited for Snow in Love. I'm super late to it even existing, I don't know how I missed it! I only just found out about it today on another person's TTT post. Anyways, great list!

  3. Oh, these all look so festive. Now I must rush off to Amazon to add them to my Christmas Book wish list. :) Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog. - Katie
