
Friday, June 8, 2018

Review: Life Inside My Mind

Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles
31 YA authors share their personal stories in small essays.

My Thoughts: Oh boy. This was a great book to read and to start conversations, but it was also hard to read because of the subject matter. I love that so many authors shared their stories and I hope that this book spurs conversations among teens. I hope they see they are not alone. I hope they find themselves sharing their own stories. There isn't any judgement here, it's all very matter of fact. I love that so many of the essays talked about what worked for them and how it won't work for everyone. I love how they advice readers to get help and figure out the method that might work best for them. This book is so powerful - from the number of authors sharing their stories to the range of mental illnesses shared. It's an eye opening read.

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: ARC sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have for middle school, high school, and public libraries.

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