
Friday, December 15, 2017

Review: City Baker's Guide to City Living

Olivia Rawlings had a tiny mishap at her job in Boston. In order to escape the humiliation, she flees to Vermont and her best friend. Her escape turns into something more permanent when a local inn needs a pastry chef.

But life in the country moves differently than life in the city. Small town charm has it's pitfalls too.Gossip spreads faster than wildfire. Since her father died, Olivia's been feeling alone in the world. Could coming to Vermont be just what she needed?
My Thoughts: I really liked this book. Like country life, this book was full of small details that made you read slowly. I really liked the small town charm and the people in it. I enjoyed the descriptions of food, especially of pastries. I adored the apple pie contest and the competition. Of course the dog was adorable. The McCracken family was my favorite part of the book with their relationships, their loudness, and their togetherness. The friendships, the way of life, the food, and the slow burn romance made this book.

Cover Thoughts: I LOVE this cover! It's the paperback cover  and it speaks of Vermont to me. It's perfect.
Source: Book sent for review
Fun Fact Louise Miller is a pastry chef who works in Boston
Next Book: Louise Miller’s second novel, The Late Bloomers' Club, comes out July 17, 2018 Pamela Dorman Books/Viking. Check out the cover:

The Late Bloomers' Club

Does this book sound great? You can win your won copy!
US and Canada only please!


  1. What I like most about the country is the quiet, the wildlife, and the brilliant heavens at night.

  2. What I like about the country is all the animals you see when you're in it! :)

    And thank you for the giveaway! :)

  3. Thank you for the giveaway. I just found your blog and I am glad I did. This book looks amazing.
