
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Blogoversary: Nine Years

Today marks my blog-o-versary. 
Nine years ago today I jumped into the blogging world and never looked back. 

Here are my two pups reading a Marmaduke book to celebrate.
Don't they share well?  Come back tomorrow for the blooper reel.

Why Marmaduke?
First off, because he's a dog. I wanted the pups to be reading something of interest.
Second because when I was younger, my grandfather made me a scrapbook of Marmaduke comics. It was one of the last presents he gave me before he died. So it's sentimental. 

As is this blog. 
I've enjoyed writing it (been frustrated at times). I've met so many wonderful authors and read fantastic books. 

Thank you for reading and being a part of this journey!

I'm looking forward to another year!