
Monday, January 2, 2017

Review: Famous Fails

Failures come in all sizes from large to simple mistakes. Some failures result in something completely different and yet wonderful at the same time. Some require fixing and some are simply learning tools. 
My Thoughts: In order to succeed in life, there are going to be failures - lots of failures. Failures are a requirement in life. But failing can also be devastating and it's important to realize everyone fails. So I really enjoyed this book because not only because it highlighted failures (both famous and not so famous) but because it also played around with failure (upside down pages) to create a fun but effective message. 

Cover Thoughts: Fun
Source: My Library
Final Thoughts: Perfect for public and school libraries.

1 comment:

  1. I like a lot of the National Geographic Kids books, but I hadn't heard of this book before! It looks good! *goes to see if library has it* :)
