
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Thankful

This week's topic is things you're Thankful for, so here's my list of things that happened this year that I'm thankful happened. Of course I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the warmth from the pellet stove, plenty of food, and my sweet husband and adorable puppy.
meme from The Broke and the Bookish 

I went back to work full time in the library world
I have an awesome librarian who I love working with and who rocks at her job
My boss is super supportive 
My co-workers are really nice
I just signed up to be an SLJ reviewer, my first assignment is due in three weeks

I paid off one major debt 
Crafted some new ideas
While I hated the results of the election, I feel people coming together to move forward
All the publishers, authors, and reader interactions over the year
And of course, I'm thankful that you all are still reading this blog eight years later!


  1. Great Top Ten! It's always nice to see people come together. :)
    Here's My Top Ten Tuesday!

  2. What a wonderful list! It sounds like you have some great things happen this year, so congratulations on the big accomplishents (paying off debt, going back to the library, etc.) and yay for everything else! Great list, I hope you continue to experience good things. :)
