
Monday, November 14, 2016

Review: Interference

Kate must take the high road in every situation due to her father's political career. But when her ex-boyfriends leaks unflattering pictures of her, where she looks angry and possibly on drugs, her father's political career takes a hit.

The family moves back to Texas, where they haven't lived in years. At first, Kate thinks this move is to become a family again, to heal. But in actuality, there's a seat open and her father's running yet again for office.

Kate isn't interesting in finding a new life in Texas, she's ready to extract revenge on her ex-boyfriend and land the best college recommendation she can. But of course life interferes with her plans.

Kate discovers herself in Red Dirt but when everything goes haywire yet again, she must figure out what she's willing to fight for.
My Thoughts: I really enjoyed this Emma novel crossed with Friday Night Lights. Emma's influence was subtle at first, but really struck a cord. I quite enjoyed Kate's failing as a matchmaker and the messes she created. I loved watching her attempt to fix them. I loved watching her love for photography grow and change in Texas. I liked her interaction with the yearbook coordinator. I enjoyed the banter between Kate and Hunter. I liked Kate wearing down her aunt. I liked Kate and Ana's relationship. I love how Kate didn't back down from a fight. Her determination carried her through several tough moments. A fantastic novel filled with friendship, romance, politics, and finding yourself.

Cover Thoughts: Cute, but doesn't match the book
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Perfect for school and public libraries looking for more contemporary reads, political YA books, or those looking for modern class retellings. 

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