
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Adult Review: Chasing Lady Amelia

 * Book 2 in the Keeping up with Cavendishes series *
Lady Amelia dislikes all the rules of society. She hates being told where to go and what to say. If she has to deal with on more thing, she'll scream. After a family squabble, she retires to her room. Leaning out the window, she hears a man singing. And decides to follow him.

She escapes her house, escapes her family, and escapes society. She meets the man singing. He's stunned to learn her identity the next morning. He's even more stunned upon learning that she has no desire to return. Instead, she creates a story and he plays along.

They hide from the world and live in the moment. But they must hide their tracks because if anyone discovers them, she will be ruined.
My Thoughts: I loved the first book and devoured the second. I'm longing for the third book and so hoping for a fourth book. I love how this book overlapped with the first story, we had bits and pieces from the first book simultaneously. I enjoyed Amelia's desire for escaping society.I adored the part where she stepped out of her painful shoes at the ball and the scandal that caused. With all the rules she must learn and follow, I can sympathize with her need for escape. I liked how her family was in part responsible for her escape.  I love how she played tourist for a few days - knowing exactly where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do. I loved her time with Alastair. I felt badly for the hero and how he lost his family and had to deal with his uncle who despised him. I like how his uncle's demand played out. I liked how Amelia didn't tell her family about her perfect days, how she was heartbroken to discover the truth about Alastair, and how it all turned out. I can't wait for Lady Claire's story next. 

Cover Thoughts: I love how she's fleeing
Source: My Library
Up Next: Lady Claire is All That - out in December
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for all romance sections

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