
Sunday, February 28, 2016

March Display Ideas

Spring is coming! More time to hang outside means more time to read to unwind at night.
One of things I miss about being a YA Librarian is making displays. So I thought maybe I'd write up a few posts about display ideas and create a monthly blog post.

March is:
National Craft Month
Display Ideas: Craft Books
Your master gardener team has a plan for your garden that will attract butterflies. Tie this in to your art lessons to deepen the gardening experience.:
Butterflies out of books
Booklist: Craft books or fictional books with crafting characters - Art or Photography

National Nutrition Month
Jump start to summer reading
Food Matters library display by Colette Cassinelli, via Flickr:
Food Matters
Display Ideas: Books about Food, cookbooks, or healthy eating habits
Booklist: Characters who cook/bake

National Women's History Month
This is a fantastic idea for a Women's History Month display...with some bios and a few novels?  Brilliant!:
Love this quote

Women's History Month Display, She Believed She Could, So She Did:
She Believed She Could, So She Did
Display Ideas: Awesome women in fiction or nonfiction
Booklist: Historical Fiction for Asian Women, American Women, British Women

March is named for the Roman Gods Mars
Display Ideas: Books set in Rome (ancient and contemporary)
Greek & Roman Gods Family tree 2nd version:
Family Tree
Significant Dates Include:

March 14: Pi Day
Display Ideas:
Increase your ReADIUS.  Library display of books with circles on the cover.:
Book Ideas: Books with characters who rock at Math or books with circles on the covers

March 17: St. Patrick's Day
Display Ideas:
St Patrick's day library bulletin board | luck is finding the perfect book!:
Perfect Books
Book Ideas: Green Books or Books set in Ireland or Voya's recent perfect 10 books


  1. Jennifer, thanks so much for the fun display ideas. I was having a difficult time with March.

  2. Aw yeah! These are great ideas. Librarians who go to the effort to get excited and make good book displays can convince you to pick up a book you probably never would have found otherwise!

  3. I was thinking of a doing a March Madness, but Semaine de la francophonie also happens in March and I let the French department take over my bulletin board :|
    - Krys
