
Monday, May 4, 2015

Blog Tour: From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess

What if you woke up one morning, planning to go about your humdrum, absolutely average life … and discovered you were really a princess?

If I became a Princess one morning and money were no object, I would:

1. Make sure libraries around the world were funded
2. Require YA Librarians be mandatory in all public libraries
3. Make school librarians also mandatory in all schools
4. Give proper funding to the YA departments in all public libraries  
5. Have all libraries host an awesome YA author at least one a year
6. Have an indie bookstore in every county 
7. which would also sell cupcakes and baked books
8. Make reading in schools super fun and not a chore
9. Require everyone to have a library card
10. Write my own book like Mia did

Did you miss my review of the book, check it out here.

If you would like to win a copy of the book, add what you would do if you were a Prince/Princess in the comments. Drawing will be random.

* Contest ends 5/11/15 at 5 pm EST


  1. I love all your ideas, and say "Amen" to all :-) I'll add that if I were a princess, I would make it a rule that everyone should be kind. Middle (and high) school is so brutal...

  2. I'd give me an extra five hours in every day. Magic princess works, right? :)

  3. I would reward teachers for their hard work and donate books to school libraries.
