
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Authors

This week's topic is going to kill me - Favorite authors of all time. I could go on forever and ever with this list - but I'll try hard not to.

So I ended up with the first authors I could think of that I've enjoyed every book I've read from them.

 Just note there are many authors that I'm leaving off my list - I love too many to count!

Meg Cabot
JK Rowling
Sarah J Maas
Ally Carter
Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Jane Austen
George R. R. Martin
Maria V Snyder
 Debbie Macomber
Susan Mallery

Who are some of your favorites?


  1. Yes J.K.Rowling is on my list too! (and everyone else) Also, even thought I didn't write her, Meg Cabot is pretty awesome too. I adore her books :)

    My TTT

  2. How did I forget Meg Cabot?! I love her! The Princess Diaries is one of my all time favorite series :)

  3. Great choices. J.K. Rowling made my list, too. I love all of her books.

  4. I love Jennifer Lynn Barnes! I totally forgot her (and many other amazing authors). It was hard to narrow it down to just 10. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  5. Love your YA favorites (although I still need to read more Jennifer Lynn Barnes books). Meg Cabot will probably always be a favorite of mine, I grew up on her books :)

    Great top ten :D

  6. Meg Cabot, J.K. Rowling, and Sarah J. Maas made my list as well. Love them! I really need to read George R.R. Martin. Great picks!
    Stephanie @ My Bookish Itinerary My TTT

  7. J.K Rowling seems to be on everyone's lists including mine :) I always for get about Jane Austen.

    My TTT

  8. I just recently got into reading Throne of Glass, but it already seems like it's going to be a series that I love :). Great list!

    My TTT

  9. Hell yes JKR and SJM ♥♥ Clearly they made my list too this week ;) I still need to read Maria V Snyder, even though I own a bunch of her books...and same goes for GRRM >.< Awesome list^^

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  10. YES! Sarah Maas needs to be on everyone's list!! <3 I love this list. It's reminding me of a few books I need to read so I can see what the hype is about.

    My TTT:

  11. JK Rowling was on my list too (and everyone else's it seems!) as well as Sarah J Maas. I like Ally Carter and Meg Cabot too but I just didn't have enough space to put either of them on my list.
