
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Books I'm Dying to Read: December Edition

Here are the books I'm looking forward to reading this month. There's still not many, so I'll be playing catch up and reading holiday romances! 

Operation Cinderella: I saw this advertised in an Ingram magazine and it caught my eye. Sounds like a good adult thriller 
Death with All the Trimmings: I've started this one and it's great so far! Love this series set in Key West. It always makes my mouth water.

Spell Booked: A new series about witches training their replacements when their spell book is stolen.
Ghost and Mrs Meyer: Book 2 in a pet friendly hotel series where a supernatural TV show has come to town for filming.
If You've Got In, Haunt it: New series about ghosts and vintage fashion

Top 10 Clues, You're Clueless: Looks really cute!
In the Cards: Debut that sounds really good

Meet Your Baker: Family bakery could be a place to heal, until someone is murdered
There's this Thing: Cute picture book for Valentine's Day

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