
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Almost Didn't Read

This week's topic is: Books I almost put down but didn't. Some of these books didn't live up to the hype or some of them weren't my favorite by these authors. For one reason or other, these weren't my favorite books, but I did like most of them.

Cruel BeautyFirst-Degree Fudge (Fudge Shop Mystery Series #1)Bridget Jones: Mad About the BoyWedding Night
Sports Illustrated Kids STATS!: The Biggest Numbers in SportsVenomBitterblueWhy We Broke Up
Sequins, Secrets, and Silver LiningsCharmed Thirds (Jessica Darling, #3)

What book(s) did you almost put down?


  1. Charmed Thirds!! I had a hard time with that series after loving the first 2 books. Books 3 and 4 were not great and book 5 angered me to no end. I wish I would have gave up earlier. And I DNF'd Bridget Jones. That book made no sense to me. I guess I was expecting it to be like the movie... and it just wasn't.

    My TTT

  2. Yeah, I loved the first two books of the Jessica Darling series, which is why I was so surprised at really not liking book 3.

  3. fun list today. Some books we push through turn out to be gems, others not so much. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  4. I have to agree with Bitterblue. Graceling and Fire are both favorites of mine, but Bitterblue did not live up to them. I guess the ending was worth the long read, but only to see what happened to Katsa and Po. :)

    My TTT
