
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Unique Books

This week's topic is Unique Book. My list is a combo of teen and adult, although it's mostly teen books. All of the books on the list have a unique format that works really well for that book.

Ttyl: Talk to You Later (Internet Girls Series #1)iDrakulaHung Up
TTYL: Told through IMs
iDrakula: Told through text messages
Hung Up: told through voicemails, phone calls, and the occasional text

MonsterBoy Next Door
Monster - told in the form of a screenplay
Boy Next Door - told primarily through emails

ChopSticks: told through pictures and text
Malice: told through pictures and text

PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary LivesI Can't Keep My Own Secrets: Six-Word Memoirs by Teens Famous and Obscure
PostSecret: told through pictures and text
I Can't Keep My Own Secrets: 6 word memoirs

Grumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book
Grumpy Cat: told through pictures, puzzles, games, text, and more


  1. Gosh... I haven't read any of these. I'm familiar with PostSecret, though. That would make an interesting book!

  2. OMG, I read the Boy Next Door and it was certainly a very fluffy cute read through e-mails and whatnot. Here's my TTT: Top Most Unique Books I've Read
