
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tween Tuesday Review: Myth Busted

Things you thought might be true but aren't: alligators don't live in the sewers, a penny dropped from the top of the Empire State Building won't kill anyone, a full moon doesn't make people crazy, and gum doesn't really stay in your body for seven years.

My Thoughts: A really fun book with great pictures and great information. The perfect book to read and talk about with a friend! The two hundred pages fly by thanks to the information presented in a fun way. National Geographic Press has a knack for using great photographs, creating illustrations, and using text in eye catching way.

Cover Thoughts: Eye Catching
Source: My Library


  1. My son LOVES the National Geographic books. They are so well done.

  2. I was lucky enough to be donated two copies of this book from the PTO for the library at Veterans Memorial Elementary School, here in Norwich. The kids love it! Thanks for writing!
