
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Worlds I'd Never Want To Live

This week's topic is Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live. The first pick was easy, the rest just a little bid harder. I think of worlds where I might like to be - but rarely do I think about ones that I would never want to enter...All of these are great books that I enjoyed reading. 

Hunger Games (A tribute)
Something Real (On reality TV)
Pawn (Ahere I'm not myself -I'm pretending to be someone else)
Darkest Minds/Never Fade (Hunted because of my powers)
Prince of Denial (with an alcoholic father and an absent mother) 
Steelheart (Where everyone lives in fear)
Dualed (Where you have to prove you're the best of you and your twin)
This is Not a Drill (Man with a gun in a elementary school classroom)
No Safety in Numbers (Bomb in the mall)
Origin (Discovering you're a genetically made person)


  1. I'm waiting for President Snow to get his come uppance in his Hunger Games world. Those other worlds sound equally ominous and undesirable.

  2. Those all sound unpleasant, but I think Dualed sounds the most intense. Shiver.
