
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mysterious Saturday Review: Oak and Dagger

 * Book 3 in the White House Gardener Mystery Series  *

Casey's responsible for the planting of a tree. When the President digs into the ground, he hits pipes, which causes a ruckus. Casey's held responsible, but she knows that the schematics were stolen.

They weren't the only papers stolen. Frida's accused Gordon of stealing papers from her office - papers that might proof the location of a treasure lost when the British burned down the White House in the 1812 War. Dolley Madison made plans for Thomas Jefferson's treasure moments before she evacuated the building.

When Casey finds Gordon face down in a pond, she rushes to help him. She doesn't realize that paces away lies Frida dead.  The evidence against Gordon mounts up and while he's in coma, there's not many to come to his rescue. Casey knows that she must do everything in her power to save the man who's become like father to her. 

My Thoughts: I'm such a fan of this series.  I love how this starts out with an historical moment and how it was such a significant part of the book. I loved the time with the President and his family, especially the twins.  I was not a fan of the First Lady's sister, but she did provide some comic relief.  I loved the moments with the puppy, Milo and how he played a role in solving the mystery. I loved how this book took us further into Casey and Jack's relationship.  I felt terrible for Casey as she struggled with trying to prove Gordon's innocence but I liked how her father figure needed her help while her real father appeared back into her life. I loved learning more about her past. A fabulous addition to the series and I can't wait to see where this series will go next! 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library

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