
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

This week, it's fictional characters I would crush on...oh, man, it's going to be hard limiting this to 10 teen characters. I'll do a post later in the week with adult characters to crush over!

Harry Potter
Michael Moscovitz from Princess Diaries 
Hale from Heist Society
Four from Divergent
Wes from The Truth About Forever
Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables
Po from Graceling
Dimitri from Vampire Academy
Devon from Raised by Wolves
Alex Rider 


  1. Dimitri made my list too, and Hale from HS is a great one I forgot about!

    My TTT

  2. I love Dimitri! He is so hawt but also kind and sensitive! Also Po is great too! Happy Reading!

    My Top Ten!

  3. I haven't read all of these... and I am surprised at myself for having left Harry off my list! :( lol

    My Top Ten

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

  4. It was so hard for me to limit it to just 10, too! Great picks. I wanted to put Hale on my list, but I'd already run out of room. :)

  5. Po made my list this week- he's just so awesome! I can't believe I forgot about Gilbert Blythe though! How could I have forgotten about Gilbert?!?!? :)

  6. A great list with a lot of variety.

    I have Michael Moscovitz on my list too! Great minds.

    Happy Reading!

    My Top Ten

  7. LOL, if I hadn't made my own list, I would have just stolen yours. It's pretty much incredible. I had the hardest time narrowing down to 10 but Gilbert and Michael should have been on there for sure!

  8. I love Four and Wes. Oh man. Gimmie gimmie.

  9. I say the heading and immediately went who was that guy in the Sarah Dessen book, he was great. And then I say Wes' name and started laughing. Serious crush on my part.
