
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mysterious Saturday Review: Death In Four Courses

 *2nd in the series -read my review of Appetite for Murder*

Hayley's Christmas present to her mother was a trip to Key West including admission to the annual Key West literary festival - featuring food writing. All of Hayley's heroes will be there, including the amazingly young but talented Jonah Barrows.

He gives the welcoming address revealing his plans to share several guarded secrets in the industry. Moments afterwards Hayley spies his body floating in a decorative pool. She hauls him out, only to discover he's expired.

No one knows what happened. Hayley's concerned that he's been murdered as a decorative bird statue goes missing. It could be a murder weapon. She never though that her BFF Eric would be seriously questioned by the police. What could he possibly have done and why isn't he talking?

My Thoughts: I really like this series. I love the addition of Hayley's mom. She was funny, sweet, and a typical mom. I loved the interaction between her and Hayley - while most of the time it was sweet, it also had a bit of snark and irritation (mostly on Hayley's side). I liked the setting of the foodie conference. As a librarian, I've been to quite a few conferences and it's fascinating to read about in a book. Everyone's so similar and yet so different. It's hard to approach the food critic (or author) you admire without fangirling them or making a total fool of yourself. I also enjoyed the moments between Hayley and the detective. I look forward to the next installment of this delicious series!

Cover Thoughts: Awesome
Source: Bought at the book launch at RJ Julia's 

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