
Thursday, September 13, 2012

BBAW: An Old Favorite Book

I remember waiting for The Cinderella Society. I fell in the love with the cover. I love Princess stories. I was So happy when an ARC came my way. I devoured this book and haven't stopped handing it off to teens who love Princess stories, who love Meg Cabot, who love secret societies. It's a fabulous fun read!

In college, I decorated the ceilings of my rooms with pictures from magazines. At work, I've decorated the walls covers, movie posters from books, stickers, and magazines photos that make me smile. The Cinderella Society is one of the book covers posted on my wall - but this one's special because right above it, I have a promotional postcard from Kay with my thoughts: 
Makeovers, secret societies, romance, and showdowns, 
I LOVED this book!

I love her highlighting my quote. Getting this postcard totally made my day!

I love the shoe on top of the pink boxes and the fancy writing! 


  1. What an awesome postcard to receive! The Cinderella Society sounds like fun -- I remember seeing that one around!

  2. The Cinderella Society sounds like a book I would really get into, thanks for sharing.

  3. You're so sweet, Jennifer! Thanks so much for picking THE CINDERELLA SOCIETY as an oldie-but-goodie on your personal shelf. *hugs* I appreciate you!

  4. Sounds great! Thanks so much for sharing!
