
Monday, July 30, 2012

Teen Librarian Survey Results

There are changes on the horizon for teens at my library. In order to understand these changes, I posted a survey of other librarians to see how they're libraries view teens, programming, and support.

I want to thank those of you who took the time to take the survey. I really want to thank those librarians who gave me support and understanding and hope. 

Here are the results:

I was curious to know the number of programs that libraries held for teens. I try to do one at least once a week.

The attendance for teens at programs varies considerably. I wished I asked some follow up questions for locations (urban/rural) and if they're near a school or right in town. I didn't think about that. However, responses back from the average program attendance was taken for normal programs, and not summer reading where usually the program attendance doubles. 11 libraries had 1-4 teens attending on average, 40 had 5-10 teens, and 30 had 11+ attending. I think it's great that teens all over the country are attending these programs. They're hearing about these programs through social networking, in-house posters, newsletters, their schools, the newspaper, radio and TV, emails, and best of all through word of mouth.

There are some libraries hosting teen/adult programming:

In attendance, there seems to be mostly NO number restriction on teens at programs. Programs are run with any number of teens attending from 1-30+. Some libraries require sign up, which was a question I didn't ask, but came through during the survey, and some librarians will cancel a program if they think there's not enough teens signed up. However, in all cases, it appears to be the Teen Librarian's choice at canceling the program. In other cases, if there is low attendance, Teen Librarians will evaluate the program and change it up to ensure more teens come to the next program.

Most Teen Librarians feel supported by their Administration - through money for programs, help with marketing, bouncing ideas off of them, and moral support. There are some who feel that they are on their own. Luckily, the network of Teen Librarians is sweet, caring, and understanding towards each other.

I love working with teens and hosting programs for them. My attendance as been low recently in some cases and in other cases soaring high. It's great to be able to talk with other Teen Librarians and get their feedback, views, and stories to what works for them and what new ideas they are bringing to their library. I love how the Teen Librarian community shares ideas with each other - intending other librarians to take an adapt their ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed your survey! Here are some things I do at my library. Generally, I have one program per month, except summer - I usually have several, maybe one per week. I spend the bulk of my "program" budget then. I work with both the adult and children's depts. to have "Family" or all ages programs, especially if it involves a more expensive visiting artist. More bang for the buck, so to speak. Luckily, I am supported by management and staff. Some of our family programs are: portable planetarium, Wildwings (visiting raptors), Butterfly release program with the zoo, "chalk the walk" and tie-dye.
