
Monday, March 5, 2012

Meeting Sarah MacLean (again)

Last Tuesday I had an unexpected free evening, which magically just happen to coincide with the release of A Rogue By Any Other Name.  Isn't the cover beautiful????

This is the start of a new quartet.  I can't wait to dive into it. I've only held off reading it because I know I'm going to need to devout an entire day to it.

I first read Sarah's book The Season - her first novel, a YA historical romance. I LOVED it. I had the chance to meet her that year at BEA.

Then she came out with her adult regency romance trilogy, which I loved. She also started me reading regency romances.

So imagine my happiness at being able to meet her again last week.

Plus she gave me a big hug when she saw me.  

Details from the signing from notes I took on my phone.

* Jane Austen is the gateway author to romances

* Georgette Heyer wrote the romances that the world believes as fact, but it's not all true. She however, is still the master.

* Characters intertwined from various books

*Wanted the casino to be more like a character and not a setting. The casino - historically called gaming hells - is still surprising her with it's dark secret passage ways and other aspects.

*Swore she would never writhe a "marriage of convenience novel" but she did because it's the only way the story would have worked with Bourne.

*Bourne named from Jason Bourne (who doesn't love him?) Otherwise when she's in need of a name, she'll look at the streets of London. Sometimes she honors family friends by taking their last names too.

*The second book in the series will be out in December! And it's entitled: One Good Earl Deserves A Lover.

*She wrote The Season on a dare. She will also be returning to YA (after the quartet is complete) but it won't be a sequel to the Season. I can't wait to read more YA books from Sarah.

In all actuality I can't wait to read more books from her full stop.

Sarah and I


  1. Oh, I'm so jealous you got to meet her. I adore her books and really hope she visit South Florida one day!

    ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

  2. I've never seen a passion equal to yours when it comes to books. It puts a smile on my face just to see your expression of joy! I can only hope one day my readers will be so excited! Never lose that love and passion -your smile is infectious.

    Thanks for sharing!
