
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Week Until BEA: Getting my face out there

In one week, it will be Christmas for the book world. I LOVE BEA for the mingling, the sighting (and talking) to authors, the meeting with other book bloggers, and the talking about books: new upcoming books and books you LOVED reading.

I come back to the library with books and swag, but more importantly with a list of books to read that everyone's been raving about, new blogs to read, and new people to chat with over social media sites (twitter being my personal favorite- I'm also yabooknerd on twitter)

While I Love networking, I'm pretty shy. So if you see me, say Hi and I'll try to do the same. I'll be there on Tuesday and Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for putting a recent pic up - I should really do that too. I am kind of shy, but I need to get over it since my goal is networking, networking networking!
