Hex Hall is a boarding school for magical creatures and beings in need of a little more training and lots of rules. Other inmates include werewolves, shapeshifters, faeries, and one vampire who happens to be Sophie's new roommate and the one girl everyone loves to hate.
Jenna loves pink and seems sweet, but there's a dangerous rumor floating around about her and the death of a girl last year.
Sophie's not sure who to trust, but despite rumors, she becomes fast friends with Jenna while crushing over the hottest boy in school - and gaining his girlfriend as an enemy.
When another girl is attacked, everyone wants the truth. Did a coven of witches raise a demon? Could a ghost from Sophie's past be more powerful than she suspects? Are the vampires really responsible for these attacks? Either way, the truth must come out...
My Thoughts: Rachel Hawkins writes a perfect debut novel filled with paranormal creatures, a dark mystery, a deep, strange society, and one hot guy. This start of a new series left me breathless with anticipation for the next installment.
I loved this book so much it won the:Cover: I LOVE it - stunning.
Source: Someone lovely at Disney Hyperion gave this to me at ALA Midwinter
Read for 10 in '10 Teen Chick Lit Challenge:
I am holding my breath waiting for this one to finally come into the Library! It's getting such great buzz I can't wait to read it.