
Friday, January 8, 2010

Luv Ya Bunches

Katie Rose doesn't have any friend at school. She's really hoping that over the summer popular girl Milla will ditch her not so nice friends and want to hang out with Katie Rose. Mila's not too sure who she wants to be friends with, her friends aren't always nice, but she doesn't want to be a social nobody either. A new girl Violet enters and she's waiting to see which social group she should join. She's not afraid of resident mean girl Modessa. Soon Katie Rose befriends Yasaman who loves computers. She's made her own website where firends can chat with each other. When Milla's good luck charm disappears, the outcome changes everything. Will the four girls find their way navigating through social pressures?

The first book in a new tween series mention Myracles's characters from her other popular series TTYL. Luv Ya Bunches reads as a younger version of that series and will contain three more books. It's a very cute book - with IM chat and mini screenplays included. Tweens will love this one, I sure did!


  1. I have seen this book only to check it back in and usually right out to the returner's friend, who comes in with her because she loves it so. Yay for Lauren Myracle.


  2. Looks like a really cute and fun book. Will keep a watch for this one

  3. This book has gotten a lot of buzz thanks to the stunt Scholastic tried to pull. If you hadn't heard about it yet just Google "Luv Ya Bunches Scholastic". Long story short they wanted the author to change the story so that the parents were heterosexual or they wouldn't carry the book. There was a huge uproar and they backed down thankfully!

    Enjoying your blog lots, I read a lot of young adult books too. I volunteer at my daughters school library, and I see so many interesting books come across the circulation desk that I can't resist!
