
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chatting with Victoria Hanley

1. What made you decide to write?
Misery. I know that sounds funny, but although I had always enjoyed writing, I didn’t get serious about actually finishing a book until I hit a really rough patch in my life. Then I said to myself “I’ve always dreamed of writing a book. It’s time to either do it, or be done with it!” That’s how The Seer and the Sword came about. Maybe writing it was magical, because my life just got better and better after that.

I Adore this book. Someone recommended it to me, and it's just fabulous.

2. Where do you write best?
It depends on my state of mind. Often, it’s at the computer in my office overlooking the foothills of the Rockies, but sometimes I just need to get away and into a new frame.

3. Is there a topic you’ve always wanted to write about?
Nutrition and physiology, and why kids should care. :)

4. What’s one book you wish you’d written?
The one I’m working on now! Really, first drafts are so hard. I wish this one were done.

Very true. I find it hard to capture the essence of a situation at times (mostly the ending)

5. What was the last book you’ve read that you’ve been recommending to everyone?
What The Moon Saw, by Laura Resau.

6. How do you get your ideas? Do you use real events in your novels and if so, can you describe one?
I mull ideas kind of like cider, using my experiences as the spices. Real events? Yes, I use them sometimes, even though I write fantasy. For example, I’ve climbed a mountain and waded in icy streams like one of the characters in The Seer and the Sword.

7. Are you working on a new project? Can you tell us more about it? Will it be set in the same world?

My latest book, Seize the Story, is a writing guide for teens. It covers the elements of fiction from dialog to plotting. Published by Cottonwood Press.

Nice - sounds like a great resource

My next fiction book, Violet Wings, will be out in August 2009, published by Egmont USA. It’s set in a whole new world, one that interfaces with Earth. The main character is an orphaned fairy named Zaria. She has always been told that her parents were killed by humans. But no sooner does she catch her first glimpse of the human world through a fey scope than she is Earth-struck! She wants nothing more than to go to Earth herself, despite the dangers. Zaria and her friend Leona sneak through a portal, and right away things begin to go wrong. . .

Sounds awesome!

8. Name a celebrity, you’d love to have as a BFF
I think it would be strange and difficult to be BFF with a celebrity. How would we go about staying out of all that limelight so we could just have fun together? I’m really happy with my real life BFFs, and I love the freedom of being able to go to any coffeehouse and not be mobbed. :)

Very good point.

9. Listing if your favorites:
Stone: ruby
Type of shoe: the kind with air or gel in the soles!
Candy: chocolate I make myself with coconut oil (YUM)
Pizza topping: pineapple
Genre of books: anything I can’t put down
Singer and/or Song: my son Emrys Hanley writes great songs. I love listening to Enya while I’m writing.
Restaurant: Mimi’s
Movies: Slumdog Millionaire, Hidalgo, Batman Begins, Persuasion
Color: violet

For more information, check out Victoria's website (including her blog)
and of course, spread the love by adding facebook flair

Thanks for chatting Victoria!

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