
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Make Me Cry

This week's topic is  Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry - which is why I have yet to read them. I'm not good about reading books that I know will make me bawl. Some of these made me cry recently and some I remember catching me by surprise. Either way, if you're reading these, grab some Kleenex.

The Ones I Haven't Read:
The Two Big Ones that Everyone Raves About...

The Fault in Our StarsCode Name Verity

The Ones I Read:
The Ones that Made Me Cry
The Perfect MatchWe'll Always Have SummerHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter #6)Just One Day (Just One Day, #1)
Mockingjay (Hunger Games Series #3)Love Letters to the Dead


  1. Fault in Our Stars and Code Name Verity - oh yeah, definitely cried - I listened to the audiobook (and read FiOS) - soberest! :D

  2. I've read The Perfect Match - trying to remember what about it would cause crying... I'm intrigued! (and apparently forgetful!)

  3. Great list!! I'm the same way, I don't like to start a book that I know will make me cry. Although I really want to read TFIOS before the movie comes out.
    I just put the whole Hunger Games Trilogy on my list. I cried at least three times in each book. Although I cried for about the whole time while reading Mockingjay.
    My TTT

  4. If you ever read TFIOS prepare Kleenex! :D I read Mockingjay and it turned me into one miserable mess but despite that I love the book though :D
    - My TTT

  5. I actually did shed a few tears during The Perfect Match, now that I think back on it. Mostly when it came to Tom and his stepson. TFIOS will make you cry, for sure, but you'll be ok. :) Promise!

  6. The Fault in our Stars and Code Name Verity yes! I put If I Stay by Gayle Forman on my list. Such an emotional book. Glad to see more of the same to come. Also HP...of course HP! Good choices!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  7. Great picks. I had to pick Deathly Hallows, I pretty much cry from beginning to end when reading that. My TTT :)

  8. I haven't read Code Name Verity yet either - I've seen it on lots of lists today, though!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
